Building Self-Esteem

(Insecurity and the Path to Self-Confidence, Part 4)

Improving self-confidence means rethinking how you judge both successes and failures. You are not “only as good as your last victory” nor “as bad as your last defeat”! 

Here’s our 3-step guide to begin the path to building better self-esteem: 

1. Catalog Your Successes 

Comparing yourself to others is ultimately fruitless, and discounts the greatest value that you bring to a situation: your uniqueness. Capitalizing on this uniqueness is what leaders do best. When you think about your life thus far, what are the things you have accomplished? It is important to neither evaluate nor judge your accomplishments, simply list them. Success can be in the following areas:

  • Relationships: Include friends, family, etc.
  • Education: Include formal school and non-formal learning.
  • Career: Include all jobs that you have had and your contributions.
  • Values: What beliefs are you proud to hold?
  • Personal: What has contributed to who you are (for example, participation in sports, arts, clubs, special interests)? 

Take a few minutes to make a list. The goal of cataloging your distinctly personal experiences is to recognize the successes and achievements that have made you the unique person you are. The real challenge is to claim these! When you reflect on the fact that you begin life with a blank slate, what you have achieved is considerable. 

This exercise is a valuable tool for reinforcing your self-confidence. You have already achieved wonderful things, overcome many obstacles, and have the potential to do more in the future.

2. Focus on the Present 

The mind can only focus optimally on one thing at a time. Being in the moment is central to achieving focus. The ability to apply laser focus to problem solving in the midst of routine work and unforeseen challenges is a hallmark of confident people. 

Anxiety comes when we are distracted by what we have done in the past or wonder what the future may hold. Present-based anxiety only occurs in the face of looming danger, which is very rare! 

To achieve this flow, it is essential to push away anxieties based in the past or planted for the future. Although such thoughts will likely occur, make an effort to let them float away. 

3. Accept Yourself 

An often overlooked aspect of self-esteem involves coming to terms with your own limits. Just as we all have our unique strengths and talents, we are also flawed in some areas. 

Operating on the basis that one should be perfect at everything is a recipe for lifelong misery. Self-acceptance of our gifts and limitations leads to authentic competence and peace of mind. 

Further, change comes in fits and starts. Sometimes the changes we make are easy and require little effort. However, increasing self-confidence is not easy work. It requires courage, persistence, and the ability to treat yourself kindly when (not if) you slip up. 

Bouts of insecurity plague everyone. But the anxiety that stems from insecurity is not in and of itself a detriment to success or happiness. It is the ways in which we choose to react to these insecurities that define us. 

The most successful leaders have learned how to control their insecurities, rather than letting their insecurities control them. The good news? Self-confidence is a practice that can be learned.

THE TAKEAWAY: Building self-esteem is a long process. By cataloging your successes and focusing on the present, you can begin the journey toward a healthier self-image. 

To read more about our take on self-esteem, leadership, and building high-performing teams, order the DNA of Leadership today.

The Pleaser

(Insecurity and the Path to Self-Confidence, Part 3)

When your boss makes a small correction or suggestion about your work, how do you react? Do you accept the suggestion and move on, or do you dwell on it for hours or even days? 

While it isn’t unusual to dislike negative feedback, allowing something inconsequential to ruin your waking (and possibly non-waking) hours is a sign that you may be a Pleaser. 

Insecurity manifests in the Pleaser as a need for outside reassurance in order to feel good about themself. Unlike the Sideways Glancer (discussed in Part 2 of this series) who seeks happiness through comparison to others, the Pleaser seeks happiness in the emotional acceptance by others. 

This dynamic exists in business when employees attach their self-worth to the approval of those with whom they work. They have a strong need to please their manager, their peers, and even their subordinates. Critically, the Pleaser’s desire to please can diminish their ability to make independent decisions. 

As a result, the Pleaser becomes dependent on the opinions of others. They live with a disproportionate amount of anxiety centered on avoiding the displeasure of coworkers instead of focusing on their actual work. 

They are fearful of doing or saying anything that may be controversial, and they are most comfortable with a fixed routine. They have difficulty holding others accountable or having difficult conversations, for fear of being disliked. 

This propensity to please is typically rooted in the relationship between individuals and their families of origin. Children may equate pleasing the authority figures in their lives with being loved. This leads them to become adaptive and compliant to their parents’ wishes. 

The fear of disappointing others often generalizes beyond authority figures to include others in the Pleaser’s life. This desire to please may initially benefit career trajectory, but reaches a ceiling when a Pleaser is promoted to a management position, and they are required to make independent decisions and hold subordinates accountable. 

In addition to the long-term workplace challenges that Pleasers face, the desire to please can lead to personal misery. Falling into an emotional spiral at the slightest sign of disapproval is unhealthy and unfortunate. But, there is hope for the Pleaser!

THE TAKEAWAY: Placing your self-worth in the hands of others diverts from long-term success and happiness. 

In Part 4 of this series, we will discuss the tools for building healthy self-esteem. Be sure to follow Beard Executive Consulting on LinkedIn to get blog updates.

The Sideways Glancer

(Insecurity and the Path to Self-Confidence, Part 2)

How often do you find yourself viewing the profile of a friend or colleague on social media? Do you linger on pictures of their new house, their new car, their bright shining smile? Today—more than ever—it is easy to fall prey to the temptation of comparing ourselves to others. 

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the Imposter, someone whose self-esteem has not kept pace with their accomplishments. This week, we will discuss the Imposter’s cousin, the Sideways Glancer. 

Judging your interior by others’ exteriors is always a losing proposition. This occurs when you use the perceived successes of others to measure your own feelings of worth. There will always be someone wealthier or better looking. It may surprise you to hear that I once had a client with a seven-figure salary admit to envying colleagues in his industry! 

There are infinite ways to feel less than (or more than) others. Once you begin the process of comparing yourself in this way, you start scratching an itch for which there is no satisfaction. 

This desire to compare ourselves to our peers is further complicated by the many layers of self-projection and self-branding propagated online. When others project a false sense of happiness, it can make you feel even worse by comparison. 

Comparing ourselves to others is rooted in our desire to feel comfortable with where we are in life, and silence our anxieties about not being good enough. We seek a metric by which to measure our happiness. For example, “I will be good enough when I earn enough money, status, position, respect, and on and on…” 

However, once we achieve those milestones that we believed would mark our success, we simply move the goalposts and push our measure of success further away. 

We live in a competitive culture that encourages comparisons and is hyperfocused on winning. Taking a sideways glance is a constant temptation even for healthy people. Believe it or not, it’s possible to be an Imposter and a Sideways Glancer at the same time; indeed, most people have multiple causes for their insecurities. 

However, those with healthy self-esteem can put these comparisons in perspective and focus on what is important to them, not what is important to their peer group or the rest of the world. They have an internal locus of control that serves them well. 

THE TAKEAWAY: Comparing yourself to others can be unhealthy. Building your own self-esteem lessens the anxiety that comes from a sideways glance.

Look for Part 3 (The Pleaser) and be sure to follow Beard Executive Consulting on LinkedIn to get blog updates.

The Imposter

(Insecurity and the Path to Self-Confidence, Part 1)

[In this four-part series, we will outline common sources of insecurity and give you the tools to help.]

Do you ever feel like your triumphs can all be chalked up to luck? Instead of enjoying your accomplishments, do you suspect that your latest success might be your last? If so, don’t worry—you are not alone!

We regularly interview mid-career leaders who have risen quickly in their companies and have a history of impressive accomplishments. Our conversations inevitably lead to their aspirations and career desires and what it will take to achieve those.

As these talented leaders review their record and begin mentally laying a foundation on which to build future successes, they often hit a stumbling block. Has their performance really been due to their unique abilities…or simply the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time?

Such leaders modestly ascribe their accomplishments to external factors, such as having a good team, a good boss, or a particularly beneficial set of circumstances. They have difficulty taking credit for their successes and owning their achievements. In fact, there is a name for this: Imposter syndrome.

Virtually all of these Imposter leaders share the same character flaw. Their view of themselves has not kept pace with the positive outcomes they have achieved and the skills they have developed. Essentially, they think less of themselves than their achievements warrant.

Developmentally, the way that we view ourselves is largely formed in the first ten years of our lives. Psychological traits are developed at that time; for example, a sense of personal competence, willingness to take risks, and comfort interacting with others.

People who have a lower sense of self-esteem often retain an arrested view of themselves. Although they are fully grown, they are stuck with the self-perception they had as a child. In psychologically healthy people, self-esteem and self-perception continue to adjust with experience as one ages.

The self-perception of healthy leaders is commensurate with their growing mastery of life skills. In exploring the apprehensions of insecure individuals, we have consistently found that their feelings about themselves are out of date. Here’s the good news: with effort, you can correct this situation. Don’t despair!

THE TAKEAWAY: One of the leading causes of insecurity is a poor self-image developed in childhood. With the proper tools, adults can work toward creating a more positive self-image.

Stay tuned for Part 2 (The Sideways Glancer) and be sure to follow Beard Executive Consulting on LinkedIn to get blog updates.

Survivor’s Guilt: The Unexpected Experience of Those Left Behind

As a leader during this pandemic, you may notice surprising behaviors from your team members. We are talking about employees who have not been directly impacted by the virus: they have not been infected, no one close to them has been affected, and they continue to work. In fact, their positions may have been identified as essential and thus they are not at risk for losing their jobs. However, despite not having been directly impacted, they may be irritable or unmotivated, and may report difficulty sleeping. There is a tendency as a leader in such situations to emphasize how fortunate they are. You may think to yourself that they have nothing to complain about. But this seemingly logical approach to their complaints will likely only make things worse. Why?

A regularly occurring, but unexpected, consequence of surviving a traumatic event is known as survivor’s guilt. This is defined as “having feelings of guilt for having survived a traumatic event when others did not.” It is a common reaction to traumatic events and, indeed, a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Survivor’s guilt was originally coined to describe feelings that survivors of the Holocaust experienced, but it can also apply to anyone who survives a traumatic event that others did not. This occurs not only in life or death situations. Employees holding onto a job when those around them have been laid off or fired can also experience a sense of guilt. At this point in the pandemic, we are seeing the highest rates of unemployment since the Great Depression! It is likely that the dwindling number of those who are still employed will feel some level of survivor’s guilt.

Feelings of guilt are most common following traumatic or life-threatening situations. Behaviors that can indicate survivor’s guilt include: 

  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Irritability and anger
  • Feelings of helplessness
  • Fear and confusion
  • Lack of motivation
  • Physical complaints (e.g., headaches, nausea or stomach problems, racing heart, trouble sleeping)
  • Social isolation and heightened absenteeism
  • Increased alcohol usage
  • Suicidal thoughts 

Survivors may harbor a set of false beliefs regarding their role in such an event, such as obsessing about how they might have prevented a negative outcome. Links have been found between survivor’s guilt and submissiveness and introversion. Survivors who have had family members or very close friends harmed or terminated are more likely to experience guilt than those who did not have any close connection. In virtually all cases, managers are likely to see a decrease in productivity.

When leaders notice employees experiencing behaviors that are associated with survivor’s guilt, especially if that is unusual for the employee, it is important for the leader to respond in a way that will help (rather than hinder) the employee returning to full productivity. In no case will shaming or diminishing the feelings of the employee be beneficial, especially in the long term.

Here are some leadership behaviors found to be most helpful in assisting such employees:

  1. Empathy: Let those on your team know that the loss of others, through no fault of their own, has also saddened you. Publicly recognize that their loss is also your loss.
  2. Grieving: Accept and allow others to have and express feelings of sadness related to the loss of those friends and coworkers. Undoubtedly, there will be a cloud cast over the organization until such a time that a new normal is reached. Trying to rush through the grief is akin to pushing a rope uphill—it will only frustrate the leader and lead to a loss of confidence on the part of the employees.
  3. Connecting: Getting through a sustained traumatic event is facilitated when people are able to freely and openly connect with others. Encourage team members to stay in touch with each other and discuss their feelings, as needed. This can include establishing a structured time during the day or encouraging ad hoc social connections at lunch, breaks, and on projects.
  4. Communicating: Discuss what really led up to the situation. This is usually external factors—for example, coronavirus—unconnected to the individual. Providing context through rationality (external factors) to accompany the guilt (internal factors) can promote a healthy perspective to grieving and guilt-ridden survivors. 
  5. Structuring: In times of great transition and high emotion, having a structure to the day can help. It is up to leaders to provide a clear sense of direction in the short term and plenty of structure going forward. This helps those experiencing survivor’s guilt get through the day and gives them a sense of accomplishment in the midst of their grieving.

If employees continue to experience heightened behaviors associated with survivor’s guilt after a reasonable time period (4 to 6 weeks), their leader may want to consider referring the employee for additional outside help in the form of counseling. 

In all cases, leaders need to actively demonstrate their deep connection and understanding of what their employees are experiencing. In times like these, leaders would be wise to consider the wisdom of the great writer, Leo Tolstoy. He said: “Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting – that is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow – that is patience. The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”