Merger Integration Consulting


Studies looking at the success or failure of acquisitions to meet their expected financial targets are disturbing. Research statistics have indicated that from 40%–80% of all acquisitions fail to meet pre-acquisition expectations from a revenue perspective (Note: see the articles and Power Points in the Publication section of this web site and the book, Merger Integration: A CEO’s Field Guide). In addition, the subsequent loss of talent and knowledge drain from the acquired company makes the challenge even more daunting. One clear conclusion from these various studies is that most acquiring companies fail to plan or adequately execute the integration of the new company. This failure includes a lack of accurate identification of talent and the inability to retain that talent. This talent is needed for the success of the merger and subsequent running of the new business.


All Myron Beard Executive Consulting (MBEC) merger integration services are targeted at helping the company successfully integrate the acquisition to meet M&A business plan expectations. MBEC consultants are very familiar with, and well schooled in, merger acquisition planning and execution, including the following services:

  1. Due diligence planning – MBEC consultants can help the M&A team develop a comprehensive multi-functional plan and methodology for assessing the acquisition target. This includes the development of an Integration Value Action Plan to present to senior management for direction and possible approval of the acquisition.
  2. Merger integration planning – Once a company acquires the target company,MBEC consultants can help the integration team develop a comprehensive cross-functional merger integration plan. This integration plan includes objectives, owners, milestones and metrics.
  3. Merger integration management – MBEC consultants can help internal executives with the management of the integration process, based on the merger integration plan. This may include regularly working with the integration team over as much as an 18-month period. The objective is ultimately the integration of the target company to the extent desired.
  4. Executive assessment for integration deployment decisions – MBEC psychologists are able to evaluate talent on both sides of an acquisition for deployment decision and development opportunities. This process involves in-depth interviews and assessments of executives. Outcomes include comprehensive profiles complete with development recommendation.
  5. Merger integration training – MBEC can provide from ½ day to 3 days training to company leaders for integration planning, prior to the completion of an acquisition. This will help the integration team understand the integration process and will provide tools and methodologies for successful integration.